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CPC100 | Ahmet Faruk ISIK: Marxism in China and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics

09 June 2021 | By 法陆克 Ahmet Faruk ISIK | Copyedited by GU Yiqing

  • Translating 'The Communist Manifasto'

    In 1920, one year before the Communist Party of China (CPC) was founded, 29-year-old Chen Wangdao completed the first Chinese translation of "The Communist Manifesto".



    This informative research is focuses on history of Marxism in China, Chinese Communist Party and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Marxism is an ideology that spread many part of the world; China is one the destination is that Marxism had foundation to grow. Article focuses on Marxism development in China and it relations with Chinese Communist Party. Since China adopted Marxism in its way and created concept of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, article explains the conception with some example from Chinese History.


    Keywords: Marxism, Chinese Communist Party, Socialism with Chinese Characteristics





    Marxism has its name from Karl Marx who lived between 1818-1883. He was the person who developed its ideology with his friend Friedrich Engels. They wrote the ‘The Communist Manifesto’, which they embodied their ideology in this book.


    First part of the Communist Manifesto mentions with "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."[2] This sentence summaries the main background of the ideology. Their ultimate goal was solving social problems that humanity and the people who lived in 19th century.


    The ideology has developed in many countries. One of the most representative examples is Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). Leader of the USSR, Lenin was the person who contributed the ideoloy.[3] China under Chinese Communist Party (CPC) contributed and shaped the Marxism in its own way. In terms of Marxism and China Relation, it had foundation on common arguments that Chinese suffer; such as foreign imperialism, working classes straggle. After establishment of Chinese Communist Party, Marxism grow and structured in Chinese Characteristic.


    History of Marxism backed to a Chinese scholar named Li Dazhao (1889-1927). He met Marxism ideology in Japan. After he return to China, he continued his career in Peking University. After ‘October Revolution of Russia’, he started to publish his works on Marxism. His works were the major influence on students. Marxist ideology set the fire of ‘May Fourth Movement’. Student of Peking University protested against imperialism. In 1920, Li established Marxist Research Society in Peking University. After a year, Chinese Communist Party established and he became one of founder of party.[4]




    On July 23, 1921, the first party congress was held in Shanghai. This congress marks the formal establishment of the Communist Party of China. [5] Mao Zedong describe that days as follows; “the birth of the Communist Party in China is a great change of the day and the earth. Since then, China has changed its direction.”[6]


    Chinese Communist Party has established under the influence of Soviet Union. According to founder of People’s Republic of China, Mao Zedong, ‘‘October Revolution’ played important role on entrance of Marxist ideology into China.[7]


    In the year 1927, Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong choose Jinggangshan (井冈山) as starting point to introduce Marxism ideology and mobilize Chinese people in rural areas.[8]


    In this regard, Chinese communist revolution shows difference from Russian Revolution. Russian Revolution focus on urban area and industrial society. On the other hand, Chinese Revolution focus on rural areas and peasant society.


    1949-1978 period regards as Socialist Contracture period. [9] Due to lack of experience, Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong applied urban revolution on rural society; focused on heavy industry. The main factor was the policy of ‘Great Leap Forward’(1958-1962) which extremely prioritized heavy industry rather than farming. It caused ‘Great Chinese Famine’ between 1959 to 1961.[10] It caused death of millions.[11] At that years, ‘Cultural Revolution’ (1966-1976) also recognized as a mistake of the government, which made many people suffer under political pressure.[12]


    The party has been keep reforming from its early years to now. The positive and negative experience of the party, domestic economic, cultural, political issues created the concept of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. After all those experience China found its own understanding of Marxism.


    Karl Marx pointed that globalization concept in his time is part of capitalism in ‘Communist Manifesto’. [13] In this point, China is being successful to keep both Marxist socialist governance and multilateralism policies. 


    When China  declared Opening Up Revolution’ in 1978; it openly showed that country sticking on Marxism but in Chinese Characteristic. Marxism in Chinese Characteristic has developed based on China’s social and economic needs. Once, father of the ‘Opening Up Revolution’ Deng Xiaoping described his theory with a metaphor; “Black cat or white cat, if it can catch mice, it's a good cat”. It means that either planned economy or market economy as long as good for country’s economy than it’s appliable without any political concern.[14] It’s a pragmatic approach to economy. His this words has become a theoretical symbol of ‘Opening Up Revolution’. He showed that how China apply Marxism in a pragmatic way to shapes today’s Marxist Socialist China.


    Recent ‘Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era’ is introduced as contribution to Marxism. The concept is the most updated version of the Socialism with Chinese Characteristics. Major contribution were new theoretical system and new ideas under original ideas with the characteristics of the times. [15] When Karl Marx’s 200th birthday in 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that “Theories developed by German philosopher Karl Marx still shine with true, and that China has made a correct choice in upholding Marxism in its rebirth and development.”  


    2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party of China. Lasted released The total number of CPC members is 91.914 million.[16] Although some unpleasant thing happened back in the history, China has become second largest economy in the world at 2010.[17] Based on lasted data, China has lifted out more than 800 million people out of poverty. [18] Currently, China has been growing on many technology fields such telecommunication, transportation, space, army, health and so on. The country takes responsivity in UN on peace keeping missions around the world. Also, China started initiative like ‘Belt and Road’ to share its vision and build more cooperation across the world. In the years of pandemic, while many countries were showing negative grow in the COVID-19 pandemic years, according to (IMF), the country is one of the three countries that showed positive grow among other countries.[19] Moreover, China is one the biggest supplier of the COVID-19 vaccines. In 100th anniversary celebration message of Chinese President Xi Jinping, he said “Communist Party of China (CPC) will always put people first, remember its original aspiration and mission, and achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation”.[20] 


    In short, the Chinese Communist Party has been getting strong and getting familiar with Chinese people’s needs; learning from its mistake and others' experience; the Chinese Communist Party in its 100th anniversary of founding has many things to celebrate in this year.




    [1] Ahmet Faruk Işık is a Ph.D. student with a project on Chinese Foreign Policy. He earned his BA in International Politics from Shanghai International Studies University and he has a Master’s degree in Political Science from Taiwan Chengchi University. His research interests cover Turkey’s relations with Greater China and the economic and political dimensions of Chinese Foreign Policy toward Turkey. He is a research assistant of the Shanghai  Academy of Global Governance and Area Studies and a researcher at the Italy Torino World Affairs Institute. During his studies he was awarded “2020 Taiwan Outstanding Student Award” by the Department of Education; authored numerous book chapters, articles and newsletters in Turkish, Chinese and English that have been published by research institutions and media agencies in both Turkey and international media outlets.

    [2] Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, “The Communist Manifesto”, 1848

    [3] Emile Burns, “Marksizm Nedir?”, 2015, pp.10

    [5] 中国共产党历史,中共中央党史研究室,第一卷(上册)pp.405.

    [6] 曲青山, “中国共产党百年辉煌”,

    [7] “毛泽东是如何成为马克思主义者的”, 人民日本,20210101日,

    [8] 刘晶芳井冈山与马克思主义时代化井冈山大学学报(社会科学版), 2011.

    [9] 刘鹏,社会主义革命和建设时期(1949-1978)我军反腐倡廉建设述评海军工程大学学报(综合版);2016 03 (2016 / 10 / 31) P23 – 30.

    [10] 葛毓臣三年困难时期的几件往事春秋, 2014.

    [11] 北原三年困难时期人口非正常死亡问题的若干解析中国社会科学报, 2014.

    [12] “为什么说“文化大革命”是一场给党和国家带来严重灾难的内乱?, 中国共产党新闻网,

    [13] Manfred B. Steger. 2015. The Specter of theManifestoStalks Neoliberal Globalization: Reconfiguring Marxist Discourse(s) in the 1990s. The Cambridge Companion to The Communist Manifesto, pages 175-194.

    [14]邓小平同志黑猫白猫论背后的故事”, 中国共产党新闻网,

    [15] 郑萼, “习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想对发展马克思主义的原创性贡献” , 2020,

    [16] “中国共产党党员总数为9191.4万名”,

    [17] “China overtakes Japan as world's second-biggest economy”,

    [18] “The World Bank In China”,

    [19] “Turkey's economy outperforms peers, grows by 1.8% in 2020”,

    [20] “Xi Jinping: 100-year-old CPC to lead Chinese nation to great rejuvenation”,


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