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BEHIND THE SCENES | Students prepared for the freshmen welcome party

28 September 2015 | By enadmin | Jiang Hongdou, Zhou Ying and Gu Yiqing

  • Behind the scenes

    photo by Jasmine

  • Behind the scenes

    photo by Chen Yijun

  • Behind the scenes

    photo by Chen Yijun

  • Behind the scenes

    photo by Chen Yijun

  • Behind the scenes

    photo by Chen Yijun


he SISU auditorium flooded with all the freshmen on September 24th for their welcome gala “hey young blood”, which was produced by the SISU Students’ Union.

The gala lasted 1.5 hours (Click to read the detailed news release) but the students have been preparing for one month.

“We have started thinking about the theme of the gala and connecting performers in the summer vacation” said Yu Kuang, the director of the Arts Education Center of the Student’s Union.

The rehearsal started two days before the normal gala and the stuff students appeared in the auditorium from 10 am to 9 pm each day.

They only ate at the corner of the stage for less than 15 minutes and then back to work.

“It’s true that this job is a little harsh, but thinking of the successful gala for the young bloods, we are much energetic.” Said Huang Peicheng, the student in charge of the follow spot.

Members of the Arts Education Center has several kinds of work to do: taking charge of follow spot, lighting, sound equipment, stage property, performers’ arrangement, Weibo screen and visual sildes.

When asked what kind of trouble they have encountered, Yu kuang said that all the emergences happened, like no enough time for rehearsal and the timetable changed many times.

“The biggest problem is the absence of our adviser,” she said, “because she is in Spain so we have to handle all the emergences by ourselves.” But luckily the gala turned out to be a success.


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